12 Oct Navigation apps
Something I've noticed about navigation apps these days: they're hard to follow unless you're already relatively familiar with the area. I'm not sure if this is unique to Taipei or to any reasonably large city. Whenever I'm approaching a road like the one below, Google Maps never tells me clearly enough where I need to be.
![Entering expressway isn't clear](/_static/stuff/2022-10-12-express.png)
Even if it does tell me which lane to be in, it often tells me that information much too late, and I don't actually have enough time to move to the correct lane. There's many places in Taipei where this is confusing. The other one I see more often is needing to be in an inner lane (which is very inconveniently surrounded by medians) in order to be able to make a left turn.
![Lanes surrounded by medians are unclear](/_static/stuff/2022-10-12-left_turn.png)
The best solution I've seen so far is 3D navigation like the one by [KingwayTek](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kingwaytek.naviking3d). It has very nice visuals that help you easily see where you should head next. Some examples:
![KingwayTek's navigation app](/_static/stuff/2022-10-12-king_enter.png)
![KingwayTek's navigation app](/_static/stuff/2022-10-12-king_exit.png)
This navigation system costs 30 USD, which is a tough pill to swallow because I've used the trial version for all of 5 minutes before deciding it was a bit too clunky—I'm still much too used to Google Map's smooth UI. Hopefully navigation apps can improve more in the future and bring 3D guidance to drivers worldwide.
I hope Google Maps will hear you and improve, before that, enjoy and be safe behind the wheel!